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Behind the scenes details of our latest interior transformations.

Lauren Ramsby Lauren Ramsby

How to Create a Well-Designed Room

At the start of this new year I find myself hunkered down at home after some time away. It’s lovely to settle into a space designed specifically for me, be surrounded by my favorite things and nest for a bit while looking back on a few spectacular weeks spent with family and close friends.

Pondering the new year, I am reflecting on how vital it is for me to gather with those who are most important to me. Being in their company recharges me, reminds me of who I am and shines a light on my special skills and core strengths. It has never been more evident to me that the joy of gathering with my people is the foundation of my passion for creating meaningful spaces where we can come together.

I am certain that your surroundings make a difference in your day to day outlook and state of mind. Just as important as who you surround yourself with are the places where you spend most of your time. Do these spaces feel harmonious and uniquely personal to you? Are they places where you love to linger? Or do they feel lacking in cohesion, thought and harmony?

Helping clients to transform their homes into inspiring and customized spaces where they can find meaning and joy with their people came to me naturally — and began long before it became my professional pursuit.

With clients, I start with one question: What do you want to do together in this space?

From there it's an investigation of:

•How do we best accommodate that desire?

•How do we create an experience that is as comfortable and effortless as possible?

•How do we make this space the uplifting backdrop for the most important moments in life?

To help you dig deeper into how to transform your space I've created this Guide to a Well-Designed Home. I hope you enjoy it.

And Happy New Year.


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